#include <vcl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "DLLMain.h"
#include "DLLForm.h"
#pragma hdrstop

// This will be provided by the EXE when the form is created.
DLL_CALLBACK Callback = 0;

#pragma argsused
int WINAPI DllEntryPoint(HINSTANCE hinst, unsigned long reason, void* lpReserved)
    // We own the form, we have to delete it.
  if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH)
    delete frmDLL;

  return 1;

// Copy the values from the UI components into the data struct.
void UItoData(FormData *data)
  data->map               = frmDLL->rgrpMap->ItemIndex;
  data->spectre           = frmDLL->chkSpectre->Checked;
  data->arachnotron       = frmDLL->chkArachnotron->Checked;
  data->mancubus          = frmDLL->chkMancubus->Checked;
  data->spectre_count     = StrToInt(frmDLL->edtNumSpectre->Text);
  data->arachnotron_count = StrToInt(frmDLL->edtNumArachnotron->Text);
  data->mancubus_count    = StrToInt(frmDLL->edtNumMancubus->Text);

    // These strncpy calls may be inefficient if the source strings
    // are very small, in which case it would be faster to just copy
    // the non-NUL characters.

  strncpy(data->title, frmDLL->edtTitle->Text.c_str(), MAX_STRLEN);
  data->title[MAX_STRLEN - 1] = 0;

  strncpy(data->description, frmDLL->edtDescription->Text.c_str(), MAX_STRLEN);
  data->description[MAX_STRLEN - 1] = 0;

// Create the form and store the callback function pointer for later use.
void __stdcall CreateForm(DLL_CALLBACK cb)
  frmDLL = new TfrmDLL(NULL); // Don't forget to free this
  Callback = cb;

// Toggle the form between hidden and visible. I'm using an integer
// instead of a bool because not all languages represent a boolean
// the same way. Almost all languages can deal with (signed 32-bit)
// integers.
void __stdcall ShowForm(int show)
  if (show)

// The EXE will call this function to retrieve the data fields.
void __stdcall GetData(FormData *data)