Dynamic Memory Allocation
Up until now, all memory allocation has been static or automaticTo use malloc and free:void *malloc(size_t size); /* Allocate a block of memory */ void free(void *pointer); /* Deallocate a block of memory */
The argument to malloc is the number of bytes to allocate:#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc, free */
char *pc = malloc(10); /* allocate memory for 10 chars */ int *pi = malloc(40); /* allocate memory for 10 ints */
10 chars (10 bytes) | 10 ints (40 bytes) |
Notice that there is no type information associated with malloc, so the return from malloc may need to be cast to the correct type:
/* Casting the return from malloc to the proper type */ char *pc = (char *) malloc(10); /* allocate memory for 10 chars */ int *pi = (int *) malloc(40); /* allocate memory for 10 ints */
You should never hard-code the size of the data types, since they may change. Do this instead:Note: The original version of malloc (from K&R C) returned a char * and so the returned pointed had to be cast to the correct type. Newer ANSI C compilers have malloc returning a void * pointer so the cast is not necessary in C. The cast is required in C++, however.
If the allocation fails, NULL is returned so you should check the pointer after calling malloc./* Proper memory allocation for 10 chars */ char *pc = (char *) malloc(10 * sizeof(char)); /* Proper memory allocation for 10 ints */ int *pi = (int *) malloc(10 * sizeof(int));
/* Allocate some memory for a string */ char *pc = (char *) malloc(10 * sizeof(char)); /* If the memory allocation was successful */ if (pc != NULL) { strcpy(pc, "Digipen"); /* Copy some text into the memory */ printf("%s\n", pc); /* Print out the text */ free(pc); /* Release the memory */ } else printf("Memory allocation failed!\n");
After allocation | After strcpy |
void *calloc(size_t num, size_t size); /* Allocates memory and sets all bytes to 0 */
/* Allocate and initialize 10 chars to 0 */ char *pc = (char *) calloc(10, sizeof(char));After calling calloc:
Accessing the allocated block:int main(void) { int SIZE = 10; int *pi; /* allocate memory */ pi = (int *)malloc(SIZE * sizeof(int)); /* check for valid pointer */ if (!pi) { printf("Failed to allocate memory.\n"); return -1; } /* do stuff */ /* free memory */ free(pi); return 0; }
void test_malloc(void) { int SIZE = 10; int i, *pi; /* allocate memory */ pi = (int *)malloc(SIZE * sizeof(int)); /* check for valid pointer */ if (!pi) { printf("Failed to allocate memory.\n"); return; } /* using pointer notation */ for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) *(pi + i) = i; /* using subscripting */ for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) pi[i] = i; for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) printf("%i \n", *(pi + i)); /* free memory */ free(pi); }
Note: By now it should be clear why we learned that pointers can be used to access array elements. With dynamic memory allocation, there are no named arrays, just pointers to contiguous (array-like) memory and pointers must be used. Of course, pointers can be subscripted just like arrays.
Dynamically Allocated Structures
Revisiting our FILEINFO example:#define MAX_PATH 12
Function to print a single FILEINFO structure:
struct DATE { int month; int day; int year; }; struct TIME { int hours; int minutes; int seconds; }; struct DATETIME { struct DATE date; struct TIME time; }; struct FILEINFO { int length; char name[MAX_PATH]; struct DATETIME dt; };
void PrintFileInfo(const struct FILEINFO *fi) { printf("Name: %s\n", fi->name); printf("Size: %i\n", fi->length); printf("Time: %2i:%02i:%02i\n", fi->dt.time.hours, fi->dt.time.minutes, fi->dt.time.seconds); printf("Date: %i/%i/%i\n", fi->dt.date.month, fi->dt.date.day, fi->dt.date.year); }
Dynamically allocate a FILEINFO structure and print it:
View of memory after allocation: (32-bit system)void f14(void) { /* Pointer to a FILEINFO struct (The 1 is redundant but instructive) */ struct FILEINFO *pfi = (struct FILEINFO *)malloc(1 * sizeof(struct FILEINFO)); /* Check that the allocation succeeded */ /* Set the fields of the struct .... */ PrintFileInfo(pfi); /* Print the fields */ free(pfi); /* Free the memory */ }
The stack vs. the heap:![]()
Remember, for function parameters, we could have written the function like this:void PrintFileInfos(const struct FILEINFO *records, int count) { int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) PrintFileInfo(records++); /* Code reuse! */ }
/* Use array notation instead of pointer notation */ void PrintFileInfos(const struct FILEINFO records[], int count) { . . . }
Name: foo-1.txt Size: 0 Time: 0:00:00 Date: 12/1/2020 Name: foo-2.txt Size: 0 Time: 0:00:00 Date: 12/2/2020 Name: foo-3.txt Size: 0 Time: 0:00:00 Date: 12/3/2020 Name: foo-4.txt Size: 0 Time: 0:00:00 Date: 12/4/2020 Name: foo-5.txt Size: 0 Time: 0:00:00 Date: 12/5/2020 Name: foo-6.txt Size: 0 Time: 0:00:00 Date: 12/6/2020 Name: foo-7.txt Size: 0 Time: 0:00:00 Date: 12/7/2020 Name: foo-8.txt Size: 0 Time: 0:00:00 Date: 12/8/2020 Name: foo-9.txt Size: 0 Time: 0:00:00 Date: 12/9/2020 Name: foo-10.txt Size: 0 Time: 0:00:00 Date: 12/10/2020 |
Quick pointer arithmetic review.
This is simply because saved has the same value that pfi had originally./* Print info */ PrintFileInfos(saved, SIZE); /* Release the memory */ free(saved);
What happens if you don't free the memory?
int *pi = (int *)malloc(10 * sizeof(int)); /* Other code ... */
Then, sometime later you reuse the pointer for more memory:![]()
pi = (int *)malloc(10 * sizeof(int)); /* Other code ... */ free(pi);
The first block at address 100 is lost and there is NO WAY you will ever be able to get it back which means there is NO WAY you can free it. This is the dreaded memory leak. This is a huge problem for beginning C programmers.![]()
A Brief Look At realloc
What happens if the block of memory that was allocated was too small? This is a problem that happens often. Consider this code:This is such a common occurrence that there is a function in the library (realloc) to handle this situation. The realloc function can extend (or shrink) the size of a previously-allocated block.void f0(void) { char *p1 = malloc(1000); char *p2; /* put some values into the memory */ /* oops, should have allocated more */ p2 = malloc(2000); /* allocate a bigger block */ memcpy(p2, p1, sizeof(char)); /* copy over existing data */ free(p1); /* free the old memory */ /* do something with new memory */ free(p2); }
Here is the prototype:
On its surface, that sounds great. However, in practice, it generally doesn't work when growing the block. I'm showing you this so that, sometime in the future, you may find that you need this possible behavior. Examples are worth a 1000 words.void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
Note: I've purposely left out the calls to free in the code below. Don't do that in real code! (Also, the addresses will change with each run.)
Example 1 (grow):
Example 2 (grow):void f1(void) { char *p1 = malloc(1000); char *p2; printf("%p\n", (void *)p1); /* 0x1c78010 */ p2 = realloc(p1, 2000); /* grow the block */ printf("%p\n", (void *)p2); /* 0x1c78010 (same) */ }
Example 3 (shrink):void f2(void) { char *p1 = malloc(1000); char *p2; printf("%p\n", (void *)p1); /* 0x1da5010 */ malloc(10); /* any arbitrary allocation */ p2 = realloc(p1, 2000); /* grow the block */ printf("%p\n", (void *)p2); /* 0x1da5420 (different) */ }
Example 4 (grow):void f3(void) { char *p1 = malloc(1000); char *p2; printf("%p\n", (void *)p1); /* 0x122a010 */ malloc(10); /* any arbitrary allocation */ p2 = realloc(p1, 200); /* shrink the block */ printf("%p\n", (void *)p2); /* 0x122a010 (same) */ }
Example 5 (shrink/grow):void f4(void) { char *p1 = malloc(1000); char *p2; printf("%p\n", (void *)p1); /* 0x92b010 */ strdup("hello"); /* call arbitrary function */ p2 = realloc(p1, 2000); /* grow the block */ printf("%p\n", (void *)p2); /* 0x92b420 (different!) */ }
Output from various systems:void f5(void) { char *p1 = malloc(1000); char *p2; printf("%p\n", (void *)p1); /* 0x12c8010 */ malloc(10); /* any arbitrary allocation */ p2 = realloc(p1, 200); /* shrink the block */ printf("%p\n", (void *)p2); /* 0x12c8010 (same) */ p2 = realloc(p1, 1000); /* grow the block */ printf("%p\n", (void *)p2); /* 0x12c8010 (same) */ p2 = realloc(p1, 200); /* shrink the block */ printf("%p\n", (void *)p2); /* 0x12c8010 (same) */ p2 = realloc(p1, 1100); /* grow the block */ printf("%p\n", (void *)p2); /* 0x12c8420 (different) */ }
Using separate variables:
maya rebecca pi Windows 10 0x55c4d53fd2a0 0x55c4d53fd2a0 0x55c4d53fdac0 0x55c4d53fd2a0 free(): double free detected in tcache 2 Aborted (core dumped) 0x7fee07c02a20 0x7fee07c02a20 0x7fee07c02a20 0x7fee07c02a20 0x7fee08000000 0xcff150 0xcff150 0xcff150 0xcff150 0xcff958 00000000001B7600 00000000001B7600 00000000001B2260 (silently crashed)
Output:char *p1 = malloc(1000); char *p2, *p3, *p4, *p5; printf("%p\n", (void *)p1); malloc(10); /* any arbitrary allocation */ p2 = realloc(p1, 200); /* shrink the block */ printf("%p\n", (void *)p2); p3 = realloc(p2, 1000); /* grow the block */ printf("%p\n", (void *)p3); p4 = realloc(p3, 200); /* shrink the block */ printf("%p\n", (void *)p4); p5 = realloc(p4, 1100); /* grow the block */ printf("%p\n", (void *)p5);
maya Windows 10 0x55b231e5c2a0 0x55b231e5c2a0 0x55b231e5cac0 0x55b231e5cac0 0x55b231e5ceb0 0000000000027600 0000000000027600 0000000000022280 0000000000022280 0000000000022280
Video reviewThe reason I wanted to show this is because beginning programmers often look at the realloc function without really understanding how it works and think that it's a panacea for growing (extending) a block of memory. It isn't, but it does have it's uses, if you know what to expect.
Summary for malloc/callocvoid free(void *pointer);