How to use the template : Open a unity project Go to Assets/Import Package/Custom Package and find the package Open the TemplateScene and you will have an example of add/move points ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The template includes functionalities of : Add point / Move point : The set of points are controlled by "TemplatePointPlacer.cs" Which allows up to 20 points, Feel free to change the maximum points, or create a script on your own, it would be easier to have a parent to handle all the points. Example Line : In "Line.cs" there is an array of start / end / turn points of the polyline. Define the line by changing the array size and the position of the elements. Other stuff included that you might need to worry about : Reset Button : Resets the Scene ColorChangeOnHover.cs : Just highlighting the Point your cursor is pointing at --Template funtionalities for MAT300/500 --Made by Arthur Chang --Last modified 2021/12/31