// draws magnitude frequency response of hamming window size 64 clear; //you have to clear variables before startng x=-3.14:0.001:3.14; // x is input variable, a row vector x(0)=-pi, x(1)=-pi+0.001,...,x(n)=pi pi = 3.1415926; a = sin(32*x); b = sin(x/2); c = x-2*pi/63; d = x+2*pi/63; e = sin(32*c); f = sin(c/2); g = sin(32*d); h = sin(d/2); S = a./b; S1 = e./f; S2 = g./h; z = (1/(0.54*64-0.46))*(0.54*S + 0.23*S1 + 0.23*S2); y = 20*log10(z) plot(x,y);