"C programmers think memory management is too important to be left to the computer. Lisp programmers think memory management is too important to be left to the user." -- from Ellis and Stroustrup's The Annotated C++ Reference Manual
The Good:
// Prints each value in the integer array
void print_array(int array[], int size)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
printf("%i ", array[i]);
int main(void)
int numbers[30]; // Holds at most 30 integers
int count = 0;
// Open text file of numbers for reading
FILE *fp = fopen("numbers.txt", "r");
// Process the entire file
while (!feof(fp))
int number;
// Read next integer from the file
if (fscanf(fp, "%i", &number) == 0)
// Add the number to the end of the array
numbers[count++] = number;
// Print the array
print_array(numbers, count);
return 0;
Of course, if there are more than 30 numbers, we are going to overwrite the end of the array.
Possible "fixes":
Notice that the structure above is sort of recursive. In other words, we're defining the structure by including a reference to itself in the definition. (Actually, there's only a pointer to itself.)struct Node { int number; // data portion struct Node *next; // pointer portion };
When the compiler encounters a structure member, it must know the size of the member. Since the size of all pointers is known at compile time, the code above is completely sane and legal. (Also, the compiler already knows what a struct Node is.)
This example code:
could be visualized as this:// #1 Declare 3 structs struct Node A, B, C; // #2 Initialize 'data' portions of the nodes A.number = 10; B.number = 20; C.number = 30; // #3 Connect (link) the nodes together A.next = &B; // A's next points to B B.next = &C; // B's next points to C C.next = NULL; // Nothing follows C
After #1
After #2![]()
After #3![]()
The "problem" with this approach, is that we are declaring (and naming) all of the nodes at compile time. If we wanted to read a list of 30 integers from a file, we'd need to declare 30 Node structs. We're worse off than with arrays.![]()
Notice from the diagram that naming struct B and C is redundant. Also remember that we don't "name" our individual elements of an array. We refer to them by supplying a subscript on the array name:
This principle of "anonymous" elements will apply to linked lists as well:int numbers[30]; // 30 "anonymous" elements numbers[5] = 0; // We don't have a "name" for the 6th element
With unnamed nodes (i.e. access to the first node only):printf("%i\n", A.number); // 10 printf("%i\n", B.number); // 20 printf("%i\n", C.number); // 30
Visually:struct Node *pNode = &A; // Point to first node while (pNode) { printf("%i\n", pNode->number); // Print data pNode = pNode->next; // "Follow" the pointer }
Let's revisit the original problem of reading an unknown number of integers from a file:
int main(void)
struct Node *pList = NULL; // empty list
FILE *fp = fopen("numbers.txt", "r");
while (!feof(fp))
struct Node *pNode;
int number;
// Read next integer from the file
if (fscanf(fp, "%i", &number) == 0)
// Allocate a new node struct (same for all nodes)
pNode = (struct Node *) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
pNode->number = number; // Initialize number
pNode->next = NULL; // Initialize next (no next yet)
// If the list is NULL (empty), this is the first
// node we are adding to the list.
if (pList == NULL)
pList = pNode;
// Find the end of the list
struct Node *temp = pList;
while (temp->next)
temp = temp->next;
temp->next = pNode; // Put new node at the end
print_list(pList); // Display the list
Make sure you can follow what each line of code is doing. You should definitely draw diagrams
until you are very comfortable with linked lists. Note these two sections especially:
Creating a new node for each element of data (number in the file):
Adding the new node to the end of the list:// Allocate a new node struct (same for all nodes) pNode = (struct Node *) malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); pNode->number = number; // Initialize number pNode->next = NULL; // Initialize next (no next yet)
// If the list is NULL (empty), this is the first // node we are adding to the list. if (pList == NULL) pList = pNode; else { // Find the end of the list struct Node *temp = pList; while (temp->next) temp = temp->next; temp->next = pNode; // Put new node at the end }
Also note the print_list function used above:
A few points to make so far:void print_list(struct Node *list) { while (list) { printf("%i ", list->number); list = list->next; } printf("\n"); }
Also note that this very simple example does not do any error handling, especially the condition where malloc returns NULL. In Real World™ code, you would need to check the return from malloc and deal with it accordingly.
Let's address the last two points now. First, this one: "The time it takes to add a node to the end of the linked list takes longer as the list grows."
This is simply because we are adding to the end and we don't have any immediate (random) access to the end. We only have immediate access to the first node; all of the other nodes must be accessed from the first one. If the list is long, this can take a while.
Solution #1: Maintain a pointer to the last node (tail).
We add a variable to track the tail:
And then (in the while loop) change this code:struct Node *pList = NULL; // empty list struct Node *pTail = NULL; // no tail yet
to this code:// If the list is NULL (empty), this is the first // node we are adding to the list. if (pList == NULL) pList = pNode; else { // Find the end of the list struct Node *temp = pList; while (temp->next) temp = temp->next; temp->next = pNode; // Put new node at the end }
// If the list is NULL (empty), this is the first // node we are adding to the list. if (pList == NULL) { pList = pNode; // If there's only one node, it is pTail = pNode; // both the head and tail } else { pTail->next = pNode; // Add after the end pTail = pNode; // New node is new end }
Solution #2: Insert at the head of the list instead of the tail. This is simpler yet:
Again we modify the code in the while loop to this:
Note that we can simply set the next pointer to the list, which will simplify things even more:// If the list is NULL (empty), this is the first // node we are adding to the list. if (pList == NULL) pList = pNode; else { pNode->next = pList; // Insert new node before first pList = pNode; // Now, list points to new node }
This has the "feature" that the items in the list will be reversed. (Think of a stack.)// Allocate a new node struct pNode = (struct Node *) malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); pNode->number = number; // Initialize number pNode->next = pList; // Initialize to list instead of NULL pList = pNode; // Update list pointer
Up until now, we haven't freed any of the nodes. Since we called malloc for these nodes, we have to call free when we're through. This is straight-forward using another while loop:
Diagrams for freeing the nodes.while (pList) { struct Node *temp = pList->next; free(pList); pList = temp; }
Notes thus far:
Suppose we want to keep the linked list sorted, from smallest to largest. This is the data that is in the file:
Again, we just need to modify our while loop that adds a node to the list:12 34 21 56 38 94 23 22 67 56 88 19 59 10 17
This prints out:// Allocate a new node struct (same for all nodes) pNode = (struct Node *) malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); pNode->number = number; // Initialize number pNode->next = NULL; // Initialize next // If the list is empty, this is the first one if (!pList) pList = pNode; else { struct Node *temp = pList, *prev; // Find the correct position in the list for the new node. while (temp && (temp->number < pNode->number)) { prev = temp; // save previous (singly linked) temp = temp->next; } // If this number comes before the first one if (temp == pList) pList = pNode; else prev->next = pNode; // Insert between current and prev node pNode->next = temp; // Next node is larger than new node }
If we insert a call to print_list after every insertion into the list, we can see the list evolve. The bold indicates newly inserted numbers:10 12 17 19 21 22 23 34 38 56 56 59 67 88 94
Try doing that with an array! (By the way, how would you do this with an array?)pList → 12 pList → 12 → 34 pList → 12 → 21 → 34 pList → 12 → 21 → 34 → 56 pList → 12 → 21 → 34 → 38 → 56 pList → 12 → 21 → 34 → 38 → 56 → 94 pList → 12 → 21 → 23 → 34 → 38 → 56 → 94 pList → 12 → 21 → 22 → 23 → 34 → 38 → 56 → 94 pList → 12 → 21 → 22 → 23 → 34 → 38 → 56 → 67 → 94 pList → 12 → 21 → 22 → 23 → 34 → 38 → 56 → 56 → 67 → 94 pList → 12 → 21 → 22 → 23 → 34 → 38 → 56 → 56 → 67 → 88 → 94 pList → 12 → 19 → 21 → 22 → 23 → 34 → 38 → 56 → 56 → 67 → 88 → 94 pList → 12 → 19 → 21 → 22 → 23 → 34 → 38 → 56 → 56 → 59 → 67 → 88 → 94 pList → 10 → 12 → 19 → 21 → 22 → 23 → 34 → 38 → 56 → 56 → 59 → 67 → 88 → 94 pList → 10 → 12 → 17 → 19 → 21 → 22 → 23 → 34 → 38 → 56 → 56 → 59 → 67 → 88 → 94
This is straight-forward:
void free_list(struct Node *pList) { // Until we reach the end of the list while (pList) { struct Node *temp = pList->next; // save next node free(pList); // free current node pList = temp; // move to next node } }
Another popular task is the ability to search through a linked list to find a particular element. With arrays, we simply loop through with an index, but with a linked list, we need to modify it slightly.
Search an array for an item:
Search a linked list for an item:// Searches array for value and returns its index. // Returns -1 if the value is not in the array int search_array(int array[], int size, int value) { int i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) if (array[i] == value) return i; return -1; }
// Searches a linked list for a value and returns the node // Returns NULL if the value isn't found struct Node *find_item(struct Node *list, int value) { while (list) { if (list->number == value) return list; list = list->next; } return NULL; }
Deleting a node from the list:
Suppose we call the function like this:struct Node* delete_item(struct Node *list, int value) { struct Node *curr = list; struct Node *prev = NULL; // Find node containing item to delete while (curr && curr->number != value) { prev = curr; curr = curr->next; } // Not found if (curr == NULL) return list; // Delete head of the list if (prev == NULL) list = list->next; else prev->next = curr->next; free(curr); return list; }
pList = delete_item(pList, 21);
Start of algorithm. Initialize the current and previous pointers.![]()
After "search" loop curr points at the node to be removed.![]()
Unlink the node and "reconnect" the remaining nodes. (This is why we needed to keep track of the previous node.)![]()
Free the node that curr points to:Can you now see why we returned a pointer to the first node?![]()
Sample data and three calls to delete_item:
Original data:
Client code:12 34 21 56 38 94 23 22 67 56 88 19 59 10 17
Output:list1 = delete_item(list1, 22); print_list(list1); list1 = delete_item(list1, 17); print_list(list1); list1 = delete_item(list1, 12); print_list(list1);
12 34 21 56 38 94 23 67 56 88 19 59 10 17 12 34 21 56 38 94 23 67 56 88 19 59 10 34 21 56 38 94 23 67 56 88 19 59 10
Another couple of functions that would seem to be useful would be functions that allow us to add an item to the end and add an item at the front. We'll call these functions push_back and push_front, respectively.
These functions modify the list, but do not return a pointer to it (like the delete_item function above did.) The technique is shown below.
Add a node to the end:
void push_back(struct Node **ppList, struct Node *pNode) { // If the list is NULL (empty), this is the first // node we are adding to the list. if (*ppList == NULL) *ppList = pNode; else { // Find the end of the list struct Node *temp = *ppList; while (temp->next) temp = temp->next; temp->next = pNode; // Put new node at the end } pNode->next = NULL; // New node is at the end }
Add a node to the front:
This makes our client code much simpler:void push_front(struct Node **ppList, struct Node *pNode) { pNode->next = *ppList; // List is "behind" new node *ppList = pNode; // New node is at the front }
int main(void)
struct Node *pList = NULL; // empty list
FILE *fp = fopen("numbers.txt", "r");
if (!fp)
return -1;
while (!feof(fp))
struct Node *pNode;
int number;
// Read next integer from the file
if (fscanf(fp, "%i", &number) == 0)
// Allocate a new node struct (same for all nodes)
pNode = (struct Node *) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
pNode->number = number; // Initialize number
pNode->next = NULL; // Initialize next (no next yet)
push_back(&pList, pNode);
return 0;
We can go step further and have the node allocation done in the functions, too:
Add to end:
Add to front:void push_back(struct Node **ppList, int number) { // Allocate a new node struct (same for all nodes) struct Node *pNode; pNode = (struct Node *) malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); pNode->number = number; // Initialize number pNode->next = NULL; // Initialize next (no next yet) // If the list is NULL (empty), this is the first // node we are adding to the list. if (*ppList == NULL) *ppList = pNode; else { // Find the end of the list struct Node *temp = *ppList; while (temp->next) temp = temp->next; temp->next = pNode; // Put new node at the end } }
Now, our client code is very simple. Also, because we modularized the linked-list operations, we can now have multiple lists:void push_front(struct Node **ppList, int number) { // Allocate a new node struct (same for all nodes) struct Node *pNode; pNode = (struct Node *) malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); pNode->number = number; // Initialize number pNode->next = *ppList; // Initialize next *ppList = pNode; // Update list }
int main(void)
struct Node *list1 = NULL, *list2 = NULL;
FILE *fp = fopen("numbers.txt", "r");
if (!fp)
return -1;
while (!feof(fp))
int number;
if (fscanf(fp, "%i", &number) == 0)
push_back(&list1, number);
push_front(&list2, number);
return 0;
Output:12 34 21 56 38 94 23 22 67 56 88 19 59 10 17
It would also be simple to make a function called insert_node which would insert the node in the proper position, keeping the list ordered.12 34 21 56 38 94 23 22 67 56 88 19 59 10 17 17 10 59 19 88 56 67 22 23 94 38 56 21 34 12
This would lead to the sorted list:void insert_node(struct Node **ppList, int number) { // Allocate a new node struct (same for all nodes) struct Node *pNode; pNode = (struct Node *) malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); pNode->number = number; // Initialize number // Code to insert into ordered list }
10 12 17 19 21 22 23 34 38 56 56 59 67 88 94
An example node structure for a doubly linked list:
struct Node { int number; // data portion struct Node *next; // node after this one struct Node *prev; // node before this one };
Compared with singly linked lists, double linked lists:
To summarize, linked lists:
Why not do away with arrays and use linked lists for all lists?