11.5.1 Step 1: Search [ToC] [Index]     [Skip Fwd]     [Prev] [Up] [Next]

There's nothing new in searching an RTAVL tree for a node to delete. We use p to search the tree, and push its chain of parent nodes onto stack pa[] along with the directions da[] moved down from them, including the pseudo-root node at the top.

430. <Step 1: Search RTAVL tree for item to delete 430> =
k = 1;
da[0] = 0;
pa[0] = (struct rtavl_node *) &tree->rtavl_root;
p = tree->rtavl_root;
if (p == NULL)
  return NULL;

for (;;) 
  { int cmp, dir; cmp = tree->rtavl_compare (item, p->rtavl_data, tree->rtavl_param); if (cmp == 0) break; dir = cmp > 0; if (dir == 0)
      { if (p->rtavl_link[0] == NULL) return NULL; }
    else /* dir == 1 */
      { if (p->rtavl_rtag == RTAVL_THREAD) return NULL; } pa[k] = p; da[k++] = dir; p = p->rtavl_link[dir]; } tree->rtavl_count--; item = p->rtavl_data;
This code is included in 429 and 468.

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