6.4.1 Step 1: Search [ToC] [Index]     [Skip Fwd]     [Prev] [Up] [Next]

The first thing to do is to search for the point to insert the new node. In a manner similar to AVL deletion, we keep a stack of nodes tracking the path followed to arrive at the insertion point, so that later we can move up the tree in rebalancing.

199. <Step 1: Search RB tree for insertion point 199> =
pa[0] = (struct rb_node *) &tree->rb_root;
da[0] = 0;
k = 1;
for (p = tree->rb_root; p != NULL; p = p->rb_link[da[k - 1]]) 
  { int cmp = tree->rb_compare (item, p->rb_data, tree->rb_param); if (cmp == 0) return &p->rb_data; pa[k] = p; da[k++] = cmp > 0; }
This code is included in 197 and 210.

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