2.11 Table Headers [ToC] [Index]     [Skip Back] [Skip Fwd]     [Prev] [Up] [Next]

Here we gather together in one place all of the types and prototypes for a generic table.

14. <Table types 14> =
<Table function types 2>
<Memory allocator 5>
<Default memory allocator header 7>
This code is included in 24, 142, 192, 247, 297, 333, 372, 415, 452, 486, 519, and 551.
15. <Table function prototypes 15> =
<Table creation function prototypes 8>
<Table insertion and deletion function prototypes 10>
<Table assertion function prototypes 11>
<Table count macro 591>
<Traverser constructor function prototypes 12>
<Traverser manipulator function prototypes 13>
This code is included in 24, 142, 192, 247, 297, 333, 372, 415, 452, 486, 519, and 551.

All of our tables fit the specification given in Exercise 2.7-1, so <Table count macro 591> is directly included above.

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