13.5 Traversal [ToC] [Index]     [Skip Back] [Skip Fwd]     [Prev] [Up] [Next]

The traverser for a PBST is just like that for a TBST, so we can reuse a couple of the TBST functions. Besides that and a couple of completely generic functions, we have to reimplement the traversal functions.

502. <PBST traversal functions 502> =
<TBST traverser null initializer; tbst => pbst 269>
<PBST traverser first initializer 503>
<PBST traverser last initializer 504>
<PBST traverser search initializer 505>
<PBST traverser insertion initializer 506>
<TBST traverser copy initializer; tbst => pbst 274>
<PBST traverser advance function 507>
<PBST traverser back up function 508>
<BST traverser current item function; bst => pbst 74>
<BST traverser replacement function; bst => pbst 75>
This code is included in 489.


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