Session 11

(TToolBar, TCoolBar, TMediaPlayer, TScrollBox, TMaskedEdit)

Session #11

Dockable Toolbars (There's a flash video that shows the docking in action.)

I'm going to show how you can undock a toolbar and create a floating toolbar. You can dock/undock on other forms in the application. This was done using a simple TToolBar object. I also show how to put toolbars on a TCoolBar component which allowed you to rearrange the toolbars without necessarily undocking them. For more information, see Chapter 6 Working with controls in the Developer's Guide.

Then I show a simple way to play media files using the TMediaPlayer component, which is kind of a wrapper around Windows Media Player (an older version). There are much better media player components out there, but this was just a sample demonstration of how you might go about using one. For more information, see Chapter 10 Working with graphics and multimedia in the Developer's Guide.

Finally, I show a few other components that can come in handy. TMaskedEdit allows you to create an input edit control that restricts the user's input. For example, if I want the user to type in a telephone number with an area code, this would be presented to the user:

(_ _ _) _ _ _ - _ _ _ _
Only numbers could be typed where the underscores are. This allows for consistent and normalized input. A date mask might look like this:
_ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _
On the Scrollbox and stuff page you can see a few other components that I talked about.

Toolbar dockingVideo file
Audio fileScrollBox and stuff