4.5 Creation [ToC] [Index]     [Skip Back] [Skip Fwd]     [Prev] [Up] [Next]

We need to write bst_create() to create an empty BST. All it takes is a little bit of memory allocation and initialization:

30. <BST creation function 30> =
struct bst_table *
bst_create (bst_comparison_func *compare, void *param, struct libavl_allocator *allocator)
{ struct bst_table *tree; assert (compare != NULL); if (allocator == NULL) allocator = &bst_allocator_default; tree = allocator->libavl_malloc (allocator, sizeof *tree); if (tree == NULL) return NULL; tree->bst_root = NULL; tree->bst_compare = compare; tree->bst_param = param; tree->bst_alloc = allocator; tree->bst_count = 0; tree->bst_generation = 0; return tree; }
This code is included in 29, 145, and 196.

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