4.6 Search [ToC] [Index]     [Skip Back] [Skip Fwd]     [Prev] [Up] [Next]

Searching a binary search tree works just the same way as it did before when we were doing it inside an array. We can implement bst_find() immediately:

31. <BST search function 31> =
void *
bst_find (const struct bst_table *tree, const void *item)
{ const struct bst_node *p; assert (tree != NULL && item != NULL); for (p = tree->bst_root; p != NULL; )
    { int cmp = tree->bst_compare (item, p->bst_data, tree->bst_param); if (cmp < 0)
        p = p->bst_link[0]; else if (cmp > 0)
        p = p->bst_link[1]; else /* cmp == 0 */
        return p->bst_data; } return NULL; }
This code is included in 29, 145, 196, 489, 522, and 554.

See also:  [Knuth 1998b], section 6.2.2; [Cormen 1990], section 13.2; [Kernighan 1988], section 3.3; [Bentley 2000], chapters 4 and 5, section 9.3, appendix 1; [Sedgewick 1998], program 12.7.

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