Appendix E Catalogue of Algorithms [ToC] [Index]     [Skip Back] [Skip Fwd]     [Prev] [Up] [Next]

This appendix lists all of the algorithms described and implemented in this book, along with page number references. Each algorithm is listed under the least-specific type of tree to which it applies, which is not always the same as the place where it is introduced. For instance, rotations on threaded trees can be used in any threaded tree, so they appear under "Threaded Binary Search Tree Algorithms", despite their formal introduction later within the threaded AVL tree chapter.

Sometimes multiple algorithms for accomplishing the same task are listed. In this case, the different algorithms are qualified by a few descriptive words. For the algorithm used in libavl, the description is enclosed by parentheses, and the description of each alternative algorithm is set off by a comma.

Binary Search Tree Algorithms

Advancing a traverser
Backing up a traverser
Copying (iterative; robust)
Copying, iterative
Copying, recursive
Copying, recursive; robust, version 1
Copying, recursive; robust, version 2
Copying, recursive; robust, version 3
Deletion (iterative)
Deletion, by merging
Deletion, special case for no left child
Deletion, with data modification
Destruction (by rotation)
Destruction, iterative
Destruction, recursive
Getting the current item in a traverser
Initialization of traverser as copy
Initialization of traverser to found item
Initialization of traverser to greatest item
Initialization of traverser to inserted item
Initialization of traverser to least item
Initialization of traverser to null item
Insertion (iterative)
Insertion, as root
Insertion, as root, of existing node in arbitrary subtree
Insertion, as root, of existing node in arbitrary subtree, robustly
Insertion, using pointer to pointer
Join, iterative
Join, recursive
Refreshing of a traverser (general)
Refreshing of a traverser, optimized
Replacing the current item in a traverser
Rotation, left
Rotation, left double
Rotation, right
Rotation, right double
Traversal (iterative; convenient, reliable)
Traversal, iterative
Traversal, iterative; convenient
Traversal, iterative; convenient, reliable
Traversal, iterative; with dynamic stack
Traversal, level order
Traversal, recursive
Traversal, recursive; with nested function
Vine compression
Vine from tree
Vine to balanced tree

AVL Tree Algorithms

Advancing a traverser
Backing up a traverser
Copying (iterative)
Deletion (iterative)
Deletion, with data modification
Initialization of traverser to found item
Initialization of traverser to greatest item
Initialization of traverser to inserted item
Initialization of traverser to least item
Insertion (iterative)
Insertion, recursive
Insertion, with bitmask

Red-Black Tree Algorithms

Deletion (iterative)
Deletion, with data modification
Insertion (iterative)
Insertion, initial black

Threaded Binary Search Tree Algorithms

Advancing a traverser
Backing up a traverser
Copying a node
Deletion (parent tracking)
Deletion, with data modification
Deletion, with parent node algorithm
Initialization of traverser as copy
Initialization of traverser to found item
Initialization of traverser to greatest item
Initialization of traverser to inserted item
Initialization of traverser to least item
Initialization of traverser to null item
Parent of a node
Rotation, left
Rotation, right
Vine compression
Vine from tree
Vine to balanced tree

Threaded AVL Tree Algorithms

Copying a node
Deletion (without stack)
Deletion, with data modification
Deletion, with stack
Rotation, left double, version 1
Rotation, left double, version 2
Rotation, right double

Threaded Red-Black Tree Algorithms

Deletion (with stack)
Deletion, with data modification
Deletion, without stack
Insertion (with stack)
Insertion, without stack

Right-Threaded Binary Search Tree Algorithms

Advancing a traverser
Backing up a traverser
Copying a node
Deletion (left-looking)
Deletion, right-looking
Deletion, with data modification, left-looking
Deletion, with data modification, right-looking
Initialization of traverser to found item
Initialization of traverser to greatest item
Initialization of traverser to least item
Rotation, left
Rotation, right
Vine compression
Vine from tree

Right-Threaded AVL Tree Algorithms

Copying a node
Deletion (left-looking)
Deletion, right-looking
Deletion, with data modification

Right-Threaded Red-Black Tree Algorithms


Binary Search Tree with Parent Pointers Algorithms

Advancing a traverser
Backing up a traverser
Balancing (with later parent updates)
Balancing, with integrated parent updates
Initialization of traverser to found item
Initialization of traverser to greatest item
Initialization of traverser to inserted item
Initialization of traverser to least item
Rotation, left
Rotation, right
Update parent pointers
Vine compression (with parent updates)
Vine to balanced tree (without parent updates)
Vine to balanced tree, with parent updates

AVL Tree with Parent Pointers Algorithms


Red-Black Tree with Parent Pointers Algorithms


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